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HCCIntelligence™ Premier Bundle: Clinical - 2023
Bundle Description
This bundle contains resources developed by house call providers with extensive experience delivering quality home-centered medical care. This bundle includes a variety of topics such as recommendations on how to provide medical procedures to complex patients in the home, infection control during home visits, requirements for Annual Wellness Visits, guidelines for Durable Medical Equipment, and delivering value-based patient-centered care in the home.

HCCIntelligence™  Premier Tools & Tip Sheets Included:

Pricing Notice
HCCIntelligence™ Premier Tools and Tip Sheets can be purchased individually or as part of a bundle.  We encourage you to take advantage of the discount pricing available through our bundles.  If you purchase an individual resource, and then subsequently purchase its associated bundle, please understand HCCI is unable to issue a refund or adjust pricing.
Availability: Retired
Cost: $99.00
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