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HCCIntelligence™ Live Webinar : Value-based Care: An Opening to Reimagine How We Deliver Care

We all know shifting away from fee-for-service toward value-based care means taking on risk as well as hiring staff, investing in technology and analytics, and launching new programs. The prospect of this kind of change can feel very overwhelming. If we shift our lens to view the singular parts that comprise a transition of this nature, rather than the whole daunting panorama, we can see that value-based care models can be a real catalyst for us to practice medicine the way many of us may have envisioned in medical school or in our training. They can also support flourishing practices which boasts great patient and provider satisfaction.


Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:

  • Describe value-based care’s potential to facilitate better patient outcomes, as well as provider and patient satisfaction.
  • Discuss expansion opportunities enabled through value-based care.
  • Identify examples of team-based structures facilitated by value-based care that also promote practice success in value-based care.
Chris Dodd, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Emcara Health 

HCCI reserves the right to modify the presenters as needed. 

Availability: No future session
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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