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C-TAC Pre-Summit: The Florida House Call Project: A Community-Based Model to Enhance Awareness and Access
Given its large population of Medicare patients with multiple chronic illnesses, Florida has a significant need for home-based primary care (HBPC). Through The Florida House Call Project, HCCI assessed the utilization of HBPC services across the state and identified geographic areas where the need for HBPC is not being met. The project also equipped and mentored a network of Champions to spread awareness of home-centered care, communicate the benefits of HBPC, and lead local training and in-service activities. This preconference session will explore lessons learned from this innovative pilot program, including insights from two Champions who have been part of the initial cohort and the model’s application for education, outreach, and mentoring.
  • Jennifer Ayrey, MSN, APRN, AGNP-C, HCCI Florida Champion
  • Madetric Wood, MS, APRN, GNP-BC, HCCI Florida Champion
  • Melissa A. Singleton, M.Ed., Chief Learning Officer, HCCI
  • Aaron Yao, PhD, Research Director, HCCI
  • Discuss insights and lessons from The Florida House Call Project.
  • Assess research findings on awareness and perceptions of HBPC in Florida, identified areas of gaps in care and unmet need, and early project outcomes.
  • Share inspiring “I House Calls” stories.
Availability: No future session
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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