Management of Mental Health Conditions in Homeboun ...
Discussion Guide for Management of Mental Health C ...
Discussion Guide for Management of Mental Health Conditions
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The Home Centered Care Institute (HCCI) provides a guide for facilitating discussions on managing mental health conditions in homebound patients. The discussion aims to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices into house call programs and is directed at learners who have completed the online education course on the same topic. It includes a structured agenda designed to be completed in 60 minutes, covering various mental health conditions such as mood, depressive, anxiety, and psychotic disorders in older adults.<br /><br />Facilitators are provided with materials like a Next Steps handout and a flipchart to capture group comments and ideas. The guide includes question prompts for each topic to drive the discussion. Key learning objectives include recognizing important care strategies, understanding symptoms and assessment methods for mental health disorders, and identifying appropriate pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments.<br /><br />The agenda is divided into seven segments:<br /><br />1. **Introduction (3-5 min)**: Discuss current practices, patient care for mood and behavioral disorders, and reflect on existing challenges in managing mental health conditions in homebound patients.<br /><br />2. **Mood and Behavioral Disorders (5 min)**: Identify common challenges and risk factors in treating mood or behavioral disorders and discuss stigmas encountered.<br /><br />3. **Depressive Disorders in Homebound Older Adults (10 min)**: Discuss different types of depressive disorders, notable symptoms, screening tools like SIG E CAPS, and treatment approaches.<br /><br />4. **Anxiety Disorders in Homebound Older Adults (10 min)**: Describe common anxiety disorders, assessment methods, and treatment approaches, emphasizing the cautious use of medication.<br /><br />5. **Psychotic Disorders in Homebound Older Adults (10 min)**: Recognize and understand psychotic disorders, assessment steps, and the preference for non-pharmacologic interventions before considering antipsychotics.<br /><br />6. **Treatment Goals and Care Team (5 min)**: Highlight the benefits of interdisciplinary teams, key considerations in setting treatment goals, knowing when to seek outside expertise, and supporting caregivers.<br /><br />7. **Debrief (5 min)**: Review recorded challenges, brainstorm strategies from the course to tackle these challenges, and identify next steps for implementation.<br /><br />The guide underscores the importance of effective communication, interdisciplinary collaboration, and continuous education to optimize mental health care for homebound older adults.
Home Centered Care Institute
mental health conditions
homebound patients
diversity equity inclusion
house call programs
older adults
mood disorders
depressive disorders
anxiety disorders
psychotic disorders
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