Innovations and Efficiencies in Home-Based Care: H ...
Meet Nora and Staff Safety
Meet Nora and Staff Safety
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The document provides an in-depth safety protocol guidance for Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC) staff, focusing on ensuring the wellbeing of healthcare workers during house visits. It divides the instructions into three sections: Before You Go, On The Road, and At The Patient’s Residence, complemented by recommendations for organizational practices.<br /><br />**Before You Go:**<br />- Use a checklist to ensure readiness, including fully charged devices and necessary supplies.<br />- Keep a powerful flashlight, have devices with cellular and Wi-Fi capabilities, check driving routes, and monitor local traffic and weather updates.<br />- Carry minimal cash, avoid expensive jewelry, wear sensible shoes, and avoid dangerous accessories.<br /><br />**On The Road:**<br />- Maintain communication with the office by checking in before and after visits via text.<br />- Avoid texting or talking while driving; pull over to safe locations if necessary.<br />- Park in easily accessible and well-lit areas, keep car doors and windows locked, and maintain a gas tank above half full.<br />- Avoid leaving valuables visible in the car and always scan the environment before exiting the vehicle.<br />- Refrain from sitting in the car to complete paperwork and keep emergency supplies in the trunk.<br />- Always carry car keys and cell phone on your person and leave immediately if you feel threatened by family members.<br /><br />**At The Patient’s Residence:**<br />- Ask about the presence of guns or weapons in the home and ensure they are secured.<br />- Familiarize yourself with the location of fire extinguishers and exits during the first visit.<br />- Request that pets be contained and always show your badge.<br />- Use shoe covers before entering and avoid leaving anything behind, properly secure biohazards, and remain vigilant until safely back to the car.<br /><br />**Organizational Practices:**<br />- Regular field professional check-ins with a follow-up process if missed.<br />- Keep up-to-date with weather and traffic changes, have an emergency kit for fieldwork, and check crime rates and parking regulations for new patient locations.<br />- Take precautions about weapons and hazards at patient intake and keep neighborhood information files updated.<br /><br />The comprehensive checklist aims to enhance safety through preparedness, situational awareness, and communication protocols for HBPC professionals.
Home-Based Primary Care
safety protocol
healthcare workers
house visits
emergency supplies
weapons security
organizational practices
situational awareness
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