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Geographic Scheduling Considerations for House Cal ...
Geographic Scheduling Considerations for House Calls_HCCI
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### Geographic Scheduling Considerations for House Calls<br /><br />#### Top 5 Best Practices for Efficient Scheduling:<br /><br />1. **Divide Service Area into Zones**:<br /> - Ensure territory zones are manageable and can be driven within the day, ideally no more than 30-minute driving distance.<br /><br />2. **Assign Providers to Territories**:<br /> - Base assignments on providers' residences and proximity to the patients they serve.<br /><br />3. **Create a Scheduling Guide**:<br /> - Develop a scheduling guide to help the practice team proactively schedule patients in designated nearby zones each day.<br /><br />4. **Plan Driving Routes in Advance**:<br /> - Use map-based tools to determine efficient driving routes. Offer patients a time range rather than an exact time, starting with the furthest patient and working back towards the final destination by end of day.<br /><br />5. **Confirm Appointments in Advance**:<br /> - Communicate upcoming appointments and timeframes to patients while noting any unique address considerations in the EHR. Strive to accommodate requests while setting clear expectations.<br /><br />#### Technology Vendor Considerations:<br /><br />- **Cost**: Ensure the solution is reasonably priced and affordable for the practice.<br />- **Security & Privacy**: Verify the solution is HIPAA compliant and meets security and compliance standards for patient information.<br />- **User-Friendly**: The solution should be easy to use with minimal training needed.<br />- **Reporting & Features**: Check if the solution provides useful reporting features such as tracking mileage, creating recurring schedules, drawing driving radiuses, and identifying nearby patients.<br /><br />---<br /><br />**Disclaimer**: This communication is for educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice. For individual use only, not to be copied, altered, or distributed.<br /><br />*Copyright 2022 Home Centered Care Institute*
Geographic Scheduling
House Calls
Service Area Zones
Providers Territories
Scheduling Guide
Driving Routes
Appointment Confirmation
Technology Vendor
HIPAA Compliance
Reporting Features
©2022 Home Centered Care Institute. All rights reserved.
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