Discussion Guide: HCC Coding
HCC Coding for House Calls Discussion Guide
HCC Coding for House Calls Discussion Guide
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The Home Centered Care Institute (HCCI) provides this discussion guide to facilitate a 60-minute session on HCC Coding for House Calls. The guide aims to aid home-based primary care (HBPC) providers in using HCC codes accurately, reflecting patients' conditions, severity, and associated risks and costs. The target audience comprises individuals who have completed the HCCI online education on HCC Coding for House Calls. Necessary materials include copies of the Next Steps handout, an example patient chart with anonymized diagnosis codes, and optionally, a flipchart.<br /><br />The discussion is structured into six topics: Introduction, Risk Score, HCC Workflow, Role of the Provider, MEAT, and Debrief. <br /><br />**Introduction**: Prompts include discussing the impact of risk adjustment on HBPC providers and patients, and how documentation and coding habits influence the risk score.<br /><br />**Risk Score**: Prompts ask what factors are considered in risk score calculation and the importance of monitoring chronic conditions annually. Participants will review an anonymized patient chart to identify and discuss diagnosis codes relevant to risk adjustment.<br /><br />**HCC Workflow**: Prompts include checking if all providers understand the importance of accurate HCC coding, whether providers code to the highest specificity, and the use of internal and external audits. The facilitator should discuss the electronic medical record (EMR) system’s capabilities and the use of an HCC "favorites" list. Other discussion points include the role of certified coders, the practice of conducting Annual Wellness Visits (AWVs), and ensuring accurate and active problem lists during patient encounters.<br /><br />**Role of the Provider**: Prompts focus on improving diagnosis coding accuracy, leveraging EMR functionalities to highlight HCCI-related codes, and updating problem lists and diagnoses for common chronic conditions.<br /><br />**MEAT**: Attendees are asked to recall what the acronym MEAT (Monitor, Evaluate, Assess/Address, Treat) stands for and its utility in documentation.<br /><br />**Debrief**: Prompts encourage participants to identify practices that should be improved or adopted, and to discuss strategies that should be continued based on course insights. Attendees are advised to refer to the Next Steps handout and commit to actionable steps.<br /><br />This structured guide ensures a comprehensive understanding and practical application of HCC coding to reflect patient care accurately.
HCC Coding
House Calls
Risk Score
Diagnosis Codes
Annual Wellness Visits
Provider Role
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